For more than 40 years, I have been a small business owner and understand the importance of creating jobs. We can restart our economy and create and retain the jobs of tomorrow through conservative policies that create opportunities for Nevada families, especially in rural Nevada.
Mining and agriculture are two of Nevada’s top industries that contribute to our state’s economy, particularly for the rural communities. That is why we cannot continue to single out our top performing industries for partisan and political gain to raise taxes to the detriment of middle-class Nevadans.
Together, with common sense, we can tackle Nevada’s budget problems through free, market-based solutions and less regulations that will grow our economy and create high paying jobs for Nevada families.
Nevada’s education system continues to rank near the bottom time and time again. Democrat’s spending spree has only inflated budgets with low achievement, accountability, and performance scores. Without looking at and addressing our infrastructure problems, throwing more money is the problem and not the answer.
Nevada needs school choice policies that create opportunities and empower parents to choose the best possible education for their children. Programs like Education Savings Account (ESAs) and Nevada’s Opportunity Scholarship programs will help improve academic outcomes in our rural communities.
As Democrats continue their disjointed and stitched education plan, we cannot allow their hyper-partisan policies to continue to hurt our students. We cannot allow critical race theory to creep into our children’s schools nor continue to force our students to wear masks in schools. We need to focus on common sense approaches, fix problems, and improve efficiencies within our system.
Constitutional Rights
Nevada was hit hard by the pandemic and an overreaching blanket approach by Democrats only intensified the impact it had to our state. Our state cannot continue to operate under draconian policies that will hurt our economic recovery.
We need more checks and balances, transparency, and control if we are going to reign in the governor’s unconstitutional authority over our counties’ businesses, schools, mask orders and more.
Our Second Amendment rights are enshrined as a Constitutional Liberty to defend our homes and our families. The attacks on our Second Amendment are a constant coordinated and orchestrated nation-wide progressive Democrat effort, and we cannot get complacent or sidetracked from circling the wagons and defending our rights enshrined in our Constitution. I will fight to protect our liberties from power-hungry Democrats in Carson City.
Rural healthcare access continues to be an issue in our communities. Our healthcare industry has the potential to drive growth and create new and exciting jobs for hardworking Nevadans. Unfortunately, Democrats want to create a single-payer system that will increase premiums and drive doctors out of Nevada.
We can confront our healthcare problems though free-market, common sense policies like telemedicine that increase access and provide much-needed care for patients. Access to affordable prescription drugs continues to be a problem with many Nevadans and seniors. We need comprehensive solutions to bring down the costs of life-saving medicines in our most vulnerable communities, and to retain quality medical professionals in rural areas.
Public Safety
The COVID-19 pandemic showed us just how important our law enforcement and first responders are to our communities. Calls to “defund the police” are dangerous and will lead to a rise in crime in cities across the country. As we continue through these challenging times, we must ensure they have the tools needed to protect our communities and do their jobs safely.
Public Lands
Most of our state is owned by the Federal Government, and therefore we need to be vigilant against Federal overreach in our use of and access to public lands. We need to develop and implement policies to consolidate control of those lands so that we maintain the health of wildlife, agriculture and livestock, water, and recreation.